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What Is Intraoperative Aberrometry?

Yes, that is a mouthful, but the concept isn’t quite as hard as the name.

An Intraoperative Aberrometer is an instrument we can use in the operating room to help us determine the correct power of the implant we...

Choroidal nevus is the fancy term for a freckle in the back of the eye.

This lesion arises from a collection of cells that make pigment in the choroid, which lines the back of the retina and supplies the retina with nutrients. These choroidal nevi...

Craig, CO

optometrist, eye doctor, Craig CO

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460 Pershing St.
Craig, CO 81625
Phone: (970) 824-3488 | Fax: (970) 824-8132

Monday 10:15am - 5:00pm
Tues. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. - Sun. Closed

Steamboat Springs, CO

optometrist, eye doctor, Craig CO

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365 Anglers Drive, Suite A
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
Phone: (970) 879-2020 | Fax: (970) 879-4909

Monday 10:15am - 5:00pm
Tues - Thurs. 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. - Sun. Closed